The “Business and human rights: Promoting economic growth through protection, respect and restorating mechanisms” program from
United Nations Human development program is being implemented in 7 Asian countries, including Mongolia with financial support from the European Union.
In frame of this project enterprises can:
• Provide knowledge of business and human rights governance principles
• The UN Development Program (UNDP) and the Mongolian wool and cashmere association are collaborating to implement a micro-project to help businesses build the capacity to conduct human rights impact assessments.
Under the European Union’s generalized system of preferences (GSP+) businesses eligible for customs tariff exemptions for 7,200 products originating in Mongolia is required to ensure that their human rights, labor rights and the environment friendliness. Regarding this, there is a real need for businesses to be aware of these new principles in global trade and investment policy.
Therefore, within the frame of this micro-project, an organization will be selected who are interested in expanding it’s businesses, respecting and leading human rights also can strengthen human rights capacity.
Advantages of collaborating in this micro-project:
• Provide step by step training on how to implement UN approved business and human rights principles in your company
• Introduce know-how to how to conduct internal business and human rights audits
• Increase knowledge of international human rights requirements and standards
• Improve human resource skill
• Advocate to the public that the company’s activities do not adversely affect the environment or human rights
• Promoting the company’s best practices in the Asian region etc.
January 19, 2022